Discover the reach of your Pleasure Spectrums

Learn to authentically and confidently harness your erotic power.

  • What is clinical Sexology?

    Clinical Sexology is the application of the science of human sexuality to treat issues related to sexuality and/or accessing pleasure. Sexologists are practitioners with specialized training and education in Human Sexuality an its application in a clinical setting.

  • My Methodology.

    I integrate my professional sexological training with my decade of experience in the field of behavior science to serve clients holistically. I utilize intuitive, interdisciplinary methodology which incorporates Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), holistic sexological models PLISSIT and MEBES, and more to create individualized and holistic treatment.

  • Who I Serve.

    I work with couples, individuals and provide occasional group offerings. I have special expertise serving neurodivergent individuals and those within the queer community. I support clients in learning the reaches of their pleasure spectrums, including how to access more pleasure through day to day experiences. I also help clients address issues related to sexuality and sexual expression. I seek to aid all who work with me to harness their authentic erotic power.